
Bruxism in Children

Bruxism is the condition in which a child may grind the teeth or clench the jaw involuntarily. It is common in children usually when they are asleep. This may also happen when the child gets anxious. Generally, this condition stops as the child grows old and starts losing the baby teeth.

Bruxism is caused due to:

  • Misalignment of teeth
  • Pain from an earache or while teething
  • Hyperactivity
  • Stress
  • Other medical conditions such as cerebral palsy

If left unnoticed, this can cause problems such as headaches, chipped teeth, loss of tooth enamel, sensitivity of teeth, and other aches in ears, jaws, or face.

Bruxism can be diagnosed when a

  • Grinding noise is heard during sleep
  • Soreness of the jaws or face after waking up, or
  • Pain while chewing food

This condition can be treated by visiting a dentist who can provide mouth guards that are designed to avoid the damage caused by bruxism.

A few preventive measures can be followed to avoid this condition like,

  • Setting up a bedtime routine that allows the child to relax.
  • Limiting screen time before bed.
  • Encouraging the habit of reading a book or listening to calm music.
  • Giving a warm shower before bedtime could be helpful.

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