
“C” is for confidence

Hello dear readers!! I’m here today with a fun new post about the benefits of Vitamin C in overall health and wellness.

Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant protecting your body against oxidative stress and inflammation. Recently, during the covid-19 outbreak, there was a lot of talk online about the benefits of vitamin C in preventing the spread of infection. Vitamin C does play a very significant role in strengthening the immune system by killing the microbes and absorbing the free radicals released during infections.

One of the most important functions of vitamin C is maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Vitamin C improves saliva production in cases of dry mouth and in doing so, it keeps the mouth moist and free from harmful bacteria growing on your tongue and teeth, thus protecting you from cavities.

Vitamin c is a water soluble vitamin, which means it is not stored in your body for long, hence the need for daily intake.

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C is

90 mg daily for men

75 mg daily for women

85 mg daily for pregnant women


Here are 10 food that are high in vitamin C.( the cup measure taken here is 170 grams)


  • Strawberries – 97.6 mg vitamin C per cup. Strawberries are very healthy, containing many antioxidants and vitamins.

  • Oranges – 90.4 mg vitamin C per cup. One 140-gram orange covers 92% of your daily vitamin C needs.

  • Grapefruit – 60 mg vitamin C per cup. Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C providing nearly 64% of your daily needs in a single serving.

  • Kiwi  – 157.6 mg vitamin C per cup. High levels of vitamin C in kiwifruit can improve iron bioavailability.

  • Broccoli  – With 151.6 mg vitamin C per cup, Broccoli is a rich source of multiple vitamins, minerals and fiber. Different cooking methods may affect the vegetable’s nutrient composition, nevertheless, broccoli is a healthy addition to your diet whether cooked or raw.

  • Cantaloupe – 62.4 mg vitamin C per cup. Cantaloupe is a nutrient-dense source of carbohydrates. This melon is also a rich source of vitamin C, A, and potassium. It additionally contains magnesium, vitamin K, zinc, and folate. It is hydrating and virtually fat-free.

  • Lemon – 90 mg vitamin C per cup. These yellow fruits also have many potential health benefits. Eating lemons may lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, and kidney stones.

  • Guava – 376.7 mg vitamin C per cup. This tropical fruit is low in calories, loaded with fiber, and is an excellent addition to a healthy diet.

  • Peppers – 136.7 mg vitamin C per cup. Bell peppers are very high in vitamin C, with a single one providing up to 169% of the RDI. Other vitamins and minerals in bell peppers include vitamin K1, vitamin E, vitamin A, folate, and potassium.

  • Papaya – 88 mg vitamin C per cup. It’s loaded with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, fight disease, as well as help keeping you looking young.

  • Pomelo – 103.7 mg vitamin C per cup. However, this fruit is not for everyone, especially people with kidney problems.


In one of my other posts, I suggested that citrus fruits can cause the enamel on your teeth to wear off thereby causing sensitivity. The culprit is not as much the fruit as the ascorbic acid content which is several times more in supplements and bottled juice than in the natural fruit.

Summing up, avoid taking supplements and start by adding these amazing fruits and veggies to your everyday diet.


Godspeed, my friends.

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