
Dental Cavities and How to Prevent it

A dental cavity is a hole or damage to the surface of teeth that develops from tooth decay. They are mainly caused by the bacteria in the mouth and fermented (sugar) foods. Cavities develop on the surface of the teeth and in between the teeth. Initially, cavities look like white spots but may change to brown or black spots depending on the severity.

Types of Cavities

  • Smooth surface: They develop on the flat surfaces of teeth and are slow-growing.
  • Pit and fissure: This type of cavity starts during the teenage years. Cavities develop on the chewing surface.
  • Cavities on the root: Adults with gum recession are more prone to root decay. These are difficult to treat and prevent.

Signs and symptoms

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold drinks
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Toothache
  • Facial swelling
  • Jaw pain

Preventive measures

  • Brush your teeth regularly: Brush your teeth properly at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Avoid sipping and snacking: Frequent taking of snacks and beverages may promote the growth of mouth bacteria. Foods that contain excess sugars produce acids and destroy tooth enamel.
  • Regular checkups: Regular dental checkups and scaling can prevent cavity formation and helps in getting early treatment for already existing dental cavities.
  • Avoid caffeine: The problem with caffeine products is longer stay in saliva and may damage the tooth enamel.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking may stain your teeth and may lead to mouth ulcers, gingival, and periodontal infections.

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