
Foods and drinks that stain teeth

A tooth stain is a discoloration of the tooth surface that appears as brown, yellow, or grey color. Tooth stains cannot be removed easily. Foods and drinks that contain chemical compounds like chromogens, tannins, and acids may disrupt the layers of enamel, invade the layers of the tooth, and cause staining of the tooth.

Top foods and drinks that stain teeth

  • Tea and Coffee: Tea contains tannins, which attach stains to the teeth. Coffee contains chromogens, which give it a deep brown color. The more you drink, the more you stain.
  • Cola: It contains acids, which can cause staining of the enamel surface. It can cause staining of the dentinal surfaces as well.
  • Citrus: Citrus-based foods like lemons, grapes, and oranges, which contain acids and nutrients, can erode your enamel and cause yellow stains on your teeth.
  • Sweets and Candy: Candies, cookies, and ice creams lead to tooth decay; as sugars stick to the tooth surface, they release tooth-decaying acids and may stain your teeth. Reduce your frequent intake of sugar.
  • Red Wine: Red wine contains chromogens and tannins due to its dark color. It roughens the enamel surface and can cause stains.
  • Tobacco Products: Cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and chewing tobacco contain nicotine and tar, which can affect your tooth color and cause dark stains on your teeth.
  • Berries:  Blueberries, blackberries, and pomegranates can easily penetrate into the pores of teeth and remain attached.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar contains high acid levels and can break down the enamel and stain the surface of teeth.

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