
Sensitive teeth?

Its July. Its raining outside. You are in the mood for eating/drinking something hot. Ouch!! that shooting pain you feel in your teeth after a sip of coffee or eating a plate of hot pakoras!

Teeth sensitivity is a very common and treatable condition. Did you know that 1 in 8 people experience this condition? Meaning they regularly experience pain on consuming hot or cold food and drink.

So how do you deal with this common but annoying condition and what is actually causing it?

  • Using a hard bristled tooth brush or brushing too hard or brushing for a long time could all cause wearing down of the enamel(the hard outer layer) on your teeth.
  • Consuming acidic foods like bottled juices, carbonated drinks or citrus fruits can cause the enamel to erode exposing the underlying dentin.
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth can wear down enamel.
  • Plaque buildup on the teeth surfaces can cause gum recession(pulling away of the gum tissue from the teeth) leading to exposed roots.
  • Any recent dental procedures like fillings can cause temporary teeth sensitivity that eventually goes away on its own.
  1. Switch to a soft bristled toothbrush and ask your dentist for the proper brushing technique if the teeth sensitivity in your case is a consequence of over zealous toothbrushing.
  2. Using over-the-counter toothpastes designed to deal with tooth sensitivity.
  3. Your dentist might prescribe some high fluoride treatments like application of fluoride varnish if over-the-counter toothpastes have not worked.
  4. Your dentist might also suggest dental sealant (a tooth colored resin) treatment to give you some extra relief.
  5. In cases of tooth sensitivity caused by gum recession, surgical gum graft treatment might be recommended.
  6. If the above treatments have not helped alleviate your condition and if the sensitivity is the result of a cracked or chipped tooth, your dentist will prescribe root canal treatment.

Whatever treatment you decide on, it is essential that you maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day with flossing and regular dental checkups along with cutting down on acidic and sugary foods.

If you are concerned about tooth sensitivity, contact fonixendental to receive tailored advise and find the right treatment for you.

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