
Speaking with strings attached?

Tongue is connected to the floor of the mouth by a band or tissue called frenulum. It is sometimes short, sometimes long, but ususally serves the purpose – moving your tongue while talking, eating or in the case of babies, breastfeeding.

If the frenulum is unusually short or tight, it restricts the movement of tongue; its called a tongue tie or ankyloglossia. In the case of babies, it can cause feeding difficulties and therefore, cranky and underweight babies.

This calls for a specialist intervention.

Tongue-tie is a congenital condition and affects about 10 % of babies worldwide.

The symptoms to look out for:

  • Constant hunger
  • Difficulty latching when breast-feeding
  • Trouble gaining weight
  • The breastfeeding mother can also experience symptoms like pain during nursing and cracked/sore nipples.
  • As the child grows older, he/she might experience speech difficulties, mouth breathing and difficulty during swallowing.


It’s possible for the tongue tie to resolve on its own. In case it doesn’t, surgery may be recommended depending on the extent of the problem.

A simple procedure called a frenotomy can be performed using laser in your dentists’ office. The procedure causes minimal discomfort in infants; as for older children and adults, it is performed under local anesthesia and pain medication is prescribed to be used after the procedure.

For more queries, contact us at +916300367590



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