
Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers “Non-nutritive Sucking Habits”

Thumb sucking and pacifier sucking are examples of non-nutritive sucking habits that are natural baby reflexes. Non-nutritive sucking habits like sucking fingers, toes, pacifiers, and toys are mostly seen in babies whenever they experience pain or anxiety.

Tips to prevent non-nutritive sucking

  • Keep children busy: Talk to your children and explain to them the problems of non-nutritive sucking in an easy way.
  • Remind your children: If your children want to stop oral habits but have trouble remembering, simple tricks like keeping a waterproof bandage around the finger as a reminder may help.
  • Reward System: Set some goals to change their habits and reward them if they achieve them.

When to stop pacifier use and thumb sucking

Children use pacifiers and thumb-sucking as natural strategies to calm themselves. Stopping these oral habits in their early stages prevents the irregular eruption of permanent teeth. Parents should try to keep their children busy by talking and playing to avoid oral habits.

Effects of non-nutritive sucking habits

  • Pacifiers do not have uniformity in design, which will misalign the jaw.
  • If sucking is habituated for a long time, a change in their mouth and facial structure occurs.
  • Thumb sucking may cause misalignment of teeth and narrowing of the mouth.
  • Cavities and tooth decay can be caused by sugary substances in pacifiers.
  • Crowding of teeth.

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