
Tongue Thrusting in Children

Tongue thrusting is a condition in which the tongue makes contact with the anterior (front) teeth during swallowing. It is more common in children. Tongue thrusting can cause speech difficulties, misaligned teeth, and problems while chewing.

Features of tongue thrusting

  • Mouth breathing
  • Gap between teeth
  • Open bite
  • Speech difficulties
  • Slow, fast, or messy eating

Types of Tongue Thrusting

  • Simple tongue thrust: This is the most common type. Tooth contact in the posterior region and an anterior open bite will be seen.
  • Lateral tongue thrust: It occurs when the tongue pushes laterally with a posterior open bite.
  • Complex tongue thrust: This occurs when the tongue moves between the posterior teeth. Generalised open bite and occlusal contact of the teeth are seen.

Causes of Tongue Thrusting

  • Thumb Sucking: Finger or thumb sucking continuously makes the tongue move forward.
  • Teeth Grinding: Grinding and clenching of teeth may also cause thrusting.
  • Prolonged use of Pacifiers or Bottles: Prolonged use of bottles may cause the tongue to push forward.
  • Macroglossia: It is an inherited condition of enlargement of the tongue.


  • Orthodontic tongue reminders: These reminders help break the tongue thrusting habit. These appliances fit behind the teeth and block the tongue from thrusting forward. They also redirect the tongue’s posture and help maintain proper alignment of the teeth.
  • Speech therapy: It helps children speak clearly with good pronunciation and swallow or chew properly.
  • Orofacial Myology: They focus on oral and facial muscles and help properly place the tongue, jaws, and lips.

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